Today was an absolutely fabulous day. In fact, these days having a 3 year old has been quite fun. Highlights of today and recent days include:
- Here's the big one - he's back in underwear now after reverting to pull-ups due to some major potty training issues. We ran down the street to Bartell's to do a little shopping and I left Austin in underwear (usually he's in pull-ups when we're out of the house due to an intense aversion to public toilets). We were about halfway done when he told me he had to go pee-pee. I took him to the bathroom where I intended to put a pull-up on him, but to my delight he did NOT protest when I suggested he use the public toilet. I held him while he went and he did great. I was in shock. We are very proud of him
- We baked banana bread together. He called it "bread soup" while he was mixing the wet ingredients.
- I asked him how old he was & he said "four". I said 'oh, I must have missed your b-day' and he told me he's old enough to drive now.
- He has discovered his penis. Yeserday he kept taking it out of his pants. When Grandma was leaving he had it out and in his hand. I told him to put it away and wave bye to Grandma driving away. He started waving to Grandma, but had his penis in his other hand and he was smiling saying "hold penis!"
- Ran around the house asking "where the heck is mama?"
- The past couple days he's told me "Sleepy today. Need nap today", which is just so fantastic. Much better than fighting every single nap. When I put him down for his nap today, I said see you at 4 (which is the time I make him stay in his room until) but he said "no, 5."
- I swear he was just a little angel today. Even hung up his coat, took his shoes off at the door, cleaned up his toys, and helped with housework. What is going on??
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