What a fun few days we've had. I took my big vacation of the summer - a whopping two days off from work. Ran errands and went to the gym on Thurs. Austin played a video game the whole time. The days of tears and screams at the gym are long gone. Friday was his b-day and we opened presents from "vacation gramma" (my mom) and a couple from us. We also went to the zoo. Saturday was his b-day party and once again we had a huge
turnout. He had a great time. Today, we played with some of his gifts. He kept dragging out this one gift, a kid computer that hooks up to the TV from Brian's dad. I didn't have it figured out, s
o we played Candyland instead. I had low expectations; I figured he had a few months until he could understand how a board game works. But he did great! He mastered taking one card at a time, moving his game piece, and patiently waiting his turn. It was so fun.

Today we had a cute conversation about returning some books to the library. I explained the library was closed so we couldn't go in. I wasn't sure he understood, but he proceeded to ask if the doors were locked, and then told me I should bring some keys to get in.
Lately, when he does something he's proud of (including going down a big slide and successfully navigating his way to the pictures on our computer - he can use a mouse now) he says "Did it!" and raises his arms victoriously.
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