Yep, yesterday we went through the painful process of stripping him of his comfort item. He still has his blankie so we're not total meanies. Just before bed, we put them all outside and left them there and during the night the binky fairy came and took them away to the babies and left a bike! It was quite heartbreaking. We've talked about it for a long time but I don't think he thought it was actually happen. He basically fell apart at first. Then when it was time to go to sleep he wasn't hysterical, but he had a hard time sleeping. Brian eventually went in there and stayed with him until he fell asleep. At 4:45am Austin woke up crying because his sticker came off his hand. So I'm rummaging around in the closet looking specifically for a cat sticker to replace it. It look a bit of comforting, but I got him back to sleep. Tonight he fell right asleep with no complaints whatsoever. We had an exhausting day though. Fun summer day at a baseball game. I asked Austin what his favorite part of the day was. He said "baseball." I asked what part of the baseball game he liked best, he said he liked drink
ing water....when the water all gone...filled it up more...held lid.