Hooray - the big boy bed has arrived & is in use! Austin was excited for it to be set up and to start using his Cars bedding. He was, however, dismayed to learn he would be sleeping in the bed alone. He was under the impression that I would be joining him. So, the first night wa
s a little rough. He was very scared so I stayed with him until he fell asleep. During the night he woke up and got upset because he lost his binky and blankie in the massive (twin) bed. He spent the rest of the night in my bed.

The next day, nap #1 was a bust as well. He laid down fine, but after a few minutes I heard him jumping around in there.
After a half hour, he opened the door and exclaimed "Done!" I had to laugh. Night #2 he went to bed fine, but we heard him jumping around again. Brian went in and told him it was time to go to sleep, not play. He protested, but got back in bed & slept all night. In the morning he was rewarded with a new Matchbox car. Here are pics of the first day with the new bed and this morning, when he got his car for sleeping all night.

Also, here is a picture of his lunch I made him yesterday because it was just a cute little meal. People often wonder what I feed him (because he's vegetarian.) This particular meal (cheese & black olive english muffin pizza, red bell pepper, garbanzo beans, avacado, shredded carrot) was a hit; he ate a little of everything but especially liked the carrots and peppers.
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