Friday, March 6, 2009

Fiveteen and More

So I just finished a super hard week at work, and now would like to just slide into weekend mode by having a glass of wine and reflecting on all of the cute and cool things Austin has done recently.
Brian has encouraged him to learn his numbers 11-20. I hear him practicing by himself all the time. I like how he calls twelve "twoteen", calls twenty "Oteen" and says "fiveteen".
He now can say "thank you" instead of signing it. Yay! It sounds like 'crank you".
We encouraged him to use the potty again. Yay! Although, I think I made a mistake by telling him that pee pee is actually water that went through his body and out his penis. He freaked out when I told him that. I guess it is a pretty weird concept if you're not already familiar with the logistics of it all.
Every night Austin gets a binky when he goes to bed. His Elmo doll in his crib also gets one. Tuesday morning he was sleeping with me (thanks to an especially rambunctious evening with his playgroup friends) and when he got up he noticed a second binky in our bed and exclaimed "Elmo's binky!"
Basically he's been super fun and developing like crazy. I will post about Disneyland soon!

1 comment:

Street Rat said...

So cute. I love that he signs! What a clever little guy!