Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some Cool Things

I'm almost too tired to write, but I feel like I need to document all the cool things that Austin has been doing:
  • Making this Christmas the best I've had since I was a kid by enjoying all the fun things we've been doing like cutting down a X-mas tree, decorating, looking at X-mas lights, etc.
  • He's saying a lot more words now. So many that I have officially stopped writing every single one down. I am thrilled that I can no longer keep track.
  • Here's a big one - he no longer finds getting his shampoo rinsed out traumatic. He is FINALLY over it, at 2 1/2. In the shower, Brian showed him how he rinses his own hair and how even though water gets in his eyes it's OK. Now when I talk to Austin about taking a bath he smiles and says "eyes".
  • Today we danced together. Hand in hand, we danced to several X-mas songs. It was very fun.
  • Today he played in the snow for the first time. Although, he has no boots or gloves that fit him. And to my dismay the huge selection of sleds at Fred Meyer was picked completely clean. I am mad at myself for not buying one when I saw them there a couple weeks ago. Oh well.
  • He's super helpful, which he has been ever since he could be. But now he can do some small chores all by himself and when I ask him to do something, he usually does it. OK, "usually" might be a stretch, but many times even if he complains about it, he'll eventually do what I ask of him.

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