Here are some pictures from Austin's first real Halloween
. As a 3-month old and a 1-year
old, Halloween was not very fun for him, or for us really. But this year was great. We went dancing at Baby Loves Disco last week, which was crazy!! I loved it. Austin had a great time too. Tonight we went trick or treating at Mill Creek Town Center. I knew he would love it because he really enjoys collecting things in containers. He was so cute going up to each person to get candy. He can't say "Thank you" yet; he still signs it and when he signs it, it looks like he's waving. So a lot of people said "Bye!" after he signed Thank You to them. What was even funnier was that Austin expects to hear "You're Welcome" after he signs Thank You, so if someone didn't say "You're Welcome", he just stood there staring at them, doing his little wave sign until I shuffled him away and said "You're Welcome" for them. He's so polite.

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