Friday, August 29, 2008

Something About Me (for a change)

I've spent the past two weekends and a couple of weekdays out in the world having fun, without my child. I've put the guilt aside and done it. And it's been awesome! I am so happy to have found a little piece of myself that has been dormant. Nothing to feel guilty about anyway, because Mommy is happier and able to feel more balanced.
Last Friday night I went out with a couple coworkers and had a crazy time. Spend time at 4 different restaurants and bars including Kells and the Alibi Room. Hungover for two days. It feels good to be bad again.
Before that, Brian and I went "away" to the Willows Lodge in Woodinville in celebration of our 10 year anniversary. We dined out several times, spent some time lounging in the hotel bar, saw Dark Knight, and SLEPT IN! The kind of sleeping in where you wake up and go back to sleep a few times. It was so great. I don't think I've truly slept in for almost 3 years now. True, we took a childless vacation together in Italy, but we did not sleep in once. It was a hectic, unrelaxing vaca. Not a bad vaca, but not relaxing like this was.
The weekend before that, I went to a show with friends at Marymoor Park featuring Brandi Carlile. It was so great and I didn't realize it prior, but it was the first time since we had kids that my friend Alcena & I have hung out together without the kids. Not cool - too long! It was a great night, topped off by unexpected back stage passes and an invite by Brandi to join the after party. The connection there is that her bandmates are friends of mine that I haven't seen in two years. It was really great to see them and like I said, I felt like I reclaimed a piece of me I didn't even realize was missing.
Next stop: karaoke with coworkers in a couple weeks!

Friday, August 1, 2008


I don't know many (any?) lullabys. I don't know many lyrics to songs in general. When Austin was a newborn I instinctively sang him Cure songs because I knew the lyrics. From the time he was just a few days old I would sing him "Catch" by the Cure. It is the perfect little lullaby. I sang him that song every single night until a few month ago when he started cutting me off and pointing to his crib. At first I thought it was great that he wanted to sleep, until I realized he was serious; he didn't want me singing to him anymore. How sad is that? He would even start crying when I attempted to sing it. So imagine my delight when I decided to try it again after several months and he loved it. I was changing him into his jammies and I started singing it and he started smiling and kept saying "Mom." If I stopped he'd say "More?" It was so great.
When he was 7 or 8 months old, I played him the actual song for the first time and as soon as he heard it he froze in his tracks. He looked at me and threw his arms around me. It was our song and it invoked a special feeling in him. So sweet.
He said his first four word sentence yesterday. When offered more fish sticks by Grandma, he told her "No fish, more tortillas" (which he pronounces deedledeedledee.)